1. WORDMARK is composed exclusively of words, letters or numbers and their combinations, without any graphical characters or specific colors.
(그래픽적인 요소 또는 특정한 색채를 지정하지 않고 문자, 숫자 등을 결합하여 출원)
2. LOGO (or figurative mark) is composed exclusively of graphical symbols, drawings or logos.
(도형적인 표장, 그림이나 로고를 가미하여 상표를 출원)
3. WORD MARK + LOGO is formed by the combination of both verbal (word mark) and figurative (logo) elements, or by verbal elements represented in a stylized form. (WORDMARK 와 LOGO를 결합하여 출원하는 방식으로 가장 폭 넓게 법적 보호를 받을 수 있어서 WORD MARK + LOGO 출원 방식을 가장 권장함.
Note: once you obtain your trademark registration, if your logo contains verbal elements, the protection will extend to the words as well, but as an indirect protection. Therefore if your intention is to use the logo as figurative mark and word mark, we strongly recommend requesting the third option